Before And After

This 14-year old female had crowding in both the upper and lower jaws, with a deep overbite (notice how her lower teeth cannot be seen in the “before” photo), and a large overjet (her front teeth were too far forward of the lower). With great compliance and hygiene during the 21 months of treatment, she now has a gorgeous smile.
OMG! Look at my teeth. They’re so straight!
- B.J.
This male patient needed a combination of braces and surgery to correct his anterior open bite (space between upper and lower front teeth) and underbite (lower teeth biting ahead of upper teeth).
Wow Dr. Tan! I can bite into a burger now!
- E.B.
This 14-year old male had crowding in both the upper and lower jaws and a tooth that was in crossbite. After 20 months of wearing braces, he has a fantastic new smile.
I appreciate everything that you did for my son. Thank you for being understanding with the appointments.
- E.J.
This 13-year old female had a deep overbite and a large overjet, which were treated with braces for 22 months. The result was an amazing smile!
Thank you Dr. Tan for fixing my teeth. You did an awesome job!
- S.B.
This 13-year old female wanted the spaces between her front teeth closed. After 20 months of wearing braces, she now has the smile she’s always wanted.
Thanks for closing my gaps Dr. Tan!
- T.M.
This 14-year old female had severe crowding in both jaws and was treated in 20 months. She now has another reason to smile!
Thank you so much! I can’t believe how straight my teeth are!
- V.G.